Category "wordpress"

WooCommerce Additional Information - if empty, hide

I'm working on an eCommerce project at the moment. I'm using WooCommerce in WordPress. I've got ridden of the product data tabs and displayed product descripti

Wordpress on Docker: Could not create directory on mounted volume

Here is are the original files in the Wordpress Docker container on path /var/www/html: $ docker exec 5b957c7b9c5ad054883694afbfb80d3c9df6707458d55011f471be070

Custom add to cart button URL for specific product in WooCommerce?

I would like the user to be directed to a certain URL when they click the 'add to cart' button. At the moment I have this: /** * Set a custom add to cart URL

Woocommerce product admin sort by stock

Is there anyway I can sort by stock? Since it reads 'Stock x 30' it would be helpful if I could sort by high or low. Is there any code I can add to the function

wordpress category page 404

I have updated a category slug and now my category page for that category is displaying a 404. I have tested doing this on a staging site and it works fine but

Hide specific products from unlogged users based in product category in WooCommerce

I have a certain product category that I only want to offer to logged in users. How would I implement that? So how to hide specific products from unlogged user

Add multiple images to WooCommerce product

How can I assign multiple images to a product in WooCommerce? I've tried: update_post_meta( $post_id, '_product_image_gallery', $image_id); but it assigns o

"properties should not be accessed directly" issue during WooCommerce 3.0 checkout

My log shows a lot of the following messages: order_total was called incorrectly. Order properties should not be accessed directly. This message was added in v

Get orders by date and status woocommerce

I need get a list of orders in woocommerce passing start date, final date and status. I tryed use some techniques like described by Mike Jolley, and I mixed wi

Avada - editing the default 100%-width template

To all the AVADA developers, how do I edit the 100% width page template? I would like to make my own version of the given file in my AVADA child theme. In the A

How to get page title in wordpress

Well, I have tried <?php echo get_the_title('About Us');?> But the code is not working. I am using wordpress 4.1. This should work but it isn't. Has wor

How to use ajax-load-more Wordpress plugin for search.php?

i am using Ajax-Load-More wordpress plugin for my web site but i don't understand how to use for search result in search.php there is no code example for searc

Custom hidden field on WooCommerce checkout not saving to user meta issue

I cannot figure out what i am missing here. I am creating a hidden field on the checkout page, that contains a value after a customer's choice. This part is wor

Docker Wordpress tar: <file> Cannot change ownership to uid 33, gid 33: Operation not permitted

I have created a docker-compose file for local development using Wordpress, and I've finally got NFS working (normal volume mount was too slow, because of Docke

Display the default discounted price and percentage on Woocommerce products

I am trying to display the percentage discount of a product on Woocommerce. The solution originally provided (linked below) works, however the discount percenta

Edit product hook WooCommerce

On my product template, I execute this action : <?php /** * woocommerce_single_product_summary hook. * * @hooked woocommerce_template_single

how to change wordpress' wp-login.php font to a custom font-family?

I have uploaded a custom font to my wordpress site and changed the font family everywhere. However, the wp-login.php page's font will not change. I have tried e

Unable to send a Base 64 image to Woocommerce /product API with JS

I am actually trying to make a 3D product configurator with verge 3D and have to create new WooCommerce products for every specific product configuration. Every

WordPress contact 7 with negative response

I have created a website using WordPress. I use a GoDaddy hosting and a plugin WP-Mail-SMTP, which helps me to configure SMTP. I have disable all cache plugins.

WordPress - Add sync defer tag in wp_enqueue_style CSS Files

I need to add sync or defer attribute in Stylesheets CSS file which are included by using wp_enqueue_style. My Code is below. function my_scripts() { wp_enq