Category "wordpress"

Custom post type single page not working

I have aj-fashions custom post type. technically i tried to show the loop of all post in a template file named fashio-template.php and now for the single post i

Wordpress WebToffee alternatives

I am planning to use WordPress WebToffee plugin to setup my online WooCommerce site. The plugin however only supports CSV files. I can easily convert all of my

How to create a search for a WP_User_Query in a custom page?

I tried to create a search on a custom page that contains a list of users, but I can't make it work. I created a custom page template to mount my page, this pag

Rewriting WordPress URLs and parameters with nginx

Help , i need rewrite url with nginx . I have installed plugin "Ajax Search Pro" for replace theme search , but when i search , i got error when i move to page

How to add a custom field to all Woocommerce attribute terms using add_action

On the Woocommerce Product Attributes page, I have the following working for one Woocommerce attribute (called myattribute). The following adds the custom field

wordpress "the_custom_logo" not fetching my image in the library

I am trying to create my owm custom theme in wordpress, i want to pull the selected logo which is already in my library, i have trouble getting the "the_custom_

Confirm Leave on External Links in Wordpress

Here's the situation: This is a bank website, so when a user clicks an external link (perhaps to a Facebook page or a partner website), there needs to be a box

Add custom field to product inventory tab and display value only on WooCommerce admin order edit page

I have this code added to functions.php and I would like the contents of my custom field to show on the orders page of WooCommerce backend. Specifically each pr

Embedded Watson Assistant instance to Wordpress

Is there a way to integrate Watson Assistant to a Wordpress website like in this video? I've been looking at the API reference but can't figure it out.

Remove product downloads section in woocommerce email notifications

I would like to remove the download section from the email template that woocommerce will send after my buyer has placed an order. It doesn’t make sense

How to change buddypress default 'members' slug to something else?

Searched a lot about how to change the default buddypress default 'members' slug to something else? So that my URL will look like: instead

Delete user programmatically in wordpress

In Wordpress, How can I delete a user pro grammatically if I have a user ID? I am using below code. $user_id = 4; $roles = array(); $user = get_userdata($user

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null when retrieving tags from wp

I am trying to use jquery autocomplete to retrieve tags from wordpress db First I set a function in wp: if ( ! function_exists( 'yourtheme_frontend_scripts' )

Wordpress page not found in Chrome, Safari

I just moved my wordpress site to a new domain name and I am getting a "page not found" error for a couple of pages, but only in Chrome and Safari. It was worki

Product Images don't show (Woocommerce)

My Product images appear, but when I click to enter the product page, the images are hidden and they appear only when I click. Some products show on other brows

WordPress Subquery returns more than 1 row on SELECT

I am executing this query with core cron by custom Wordpress plugin: // MAKE SQL CALL $SQL = "SELECT ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta.post_id FROM ".$wpdb->

admin-ajax.php - the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

I've drawn a complete blank with this if anyone can help. I have migrated a website from from a NGINX server to Apache. The installation works fine on NGINX but

WooCommerce edit error message on checkout page

I see WooCommerce gives an error message (You must accept our Terms & Conditions.), if someone not checked the "terms" check box (in the checkout page). H

wp-config.php file is missing?

I use Go Daddy and have had hosting for a while with Wordpress. I wanted to enable wp multisite so I went in searching for the wp-config.php file and it just wa

How do you protect certain php files from overwriting by updates in Wordpress?

Let's say I have made some changes on a php file from a certain plug-in. How do I prevent their lost when someone else decide to update this plug-in?