Category "wordpress"

How to add a sidebar to Woocommerce Shop Page?

So, I'm making my own theme from scratch for Wordpress with the Woocommerce plugin. I can seem to find how to add a sidebar widget to my Shop page... There is n

Wordpress Elementor: Expand/Collapse on hover on accordion

I am using wordpress with the elementor add on. Though it provides very sleak accordion which works perfectly on click, I wanted to expand/collapse the accordio

Rearrange (sort by priority) Woocommerce my account fields

How can I rearrange my-account fields .I want to locate billing_address_1 field after billing_state and billing_city fields. I used woocommerce_form_field_args

WordPress Security Standards want me to escape my html, but how to do it correctly?

I'm trying to build a custom Elementor Widget ( In the render() function, I can put the HTML thats bein

How to modify CSS in a specific page of the WP admin dashboard (backend)

I'm trying to remove both padding and the title of the dashboard page of the admin panel of WordPress. The dashboard was redesigned with the "Welcome Dashboard

PHP: Insert marker every 3 iterations

I have the following: <?php $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ); $content_table = explode("<p>", $content); $c

Auto change order status from processing to completed in Woocommerce

I want to change every order from woocommerce if the 'PROCESSING' status will automatically be updated to 'COMPLETED'. I have tried writing the function in fun

How to disable widget block editor of WordPress?

WP 5.8 comes with a new system to manage events named "Widgets Block Editor". How can I disable this new system and restore the classic widget editor of WordPre

Storefront child theme still load parent CSS

I have a problem with the Storefront child theme. I created a Storefront child theme like they suggest here:

getting error "lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @heading_font_weight:"

My wordpress site is showing error- "lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @heading_font_weight:" Please help.

.htaccess rewrite without redirect / Wordpress

I want to rewrite an URL so that "few_words_Keyword" is shown in the browser but the page display /directory/Keyword In my htaccess I have following : Rewrite

Display a product custom field only in WooCommerce Admin single orders

This question follows How to show a product custom field (custom SKU) in WooCommerce orders answer to my previous question. How do I make a product custom field

No Stripe on Woocommerce with custom theme

Sorry to bother you but wordpress forums are not responding. I just developed my custom theme on WordPress to which I integrated the Woocommerce and Stripe plug

Getting slow query from SELECT COUNT(*) on WordPress

I have the query below and it gives me a count of 32,000. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_term_relationships, wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationsh

How to add width and height to Wordpress Gutenberg image block output?

Default Gutenberg Image block i HTML output has no height="xxx" and width="xxx" parameters: <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter si

How to debug in WooCommerce 3+

I am creating a custom shipping method for Woocommerce using this tutorial but I am having issues deb

Add customer email and phone in "Order" column to admin orders list on Woocommerce

I am trying to find a way on how to add the customer phone and email below the name on the WooCommerce order view. See picture for reference where I need to ad

How to enable curl on Wordpress

How to enable cURL on Wordpress. I have install cURL on my server and I have also enabled in PHP.ini file(removed ; before extension) but still I'm getting err

Flatsome UX Builder not loading

I just installed the Flatsome theme on my SSL protected site. I was going to use the UX builder to edit the pages but it was not loaded what should I do? Some s

wordpress : How to specify the cause "This site can’t be reached"

I have used Let's Encrypt for WordPress on AWS Lightsail. I found that it was expired because I didn't renew it. So I tried the Let's encrypt to renew, the bi