Category "wordpress"

Wordpress - Multiple Checkboxes at least 1 checkbox should be required in Contact Form 7

I have a list of multiple check boxes in contact form 7 plugin form. [checkbox checkbox-654 "test1"] [checkbox checkbox-655 "test2"] [checkbox checkbox-656 "t

Change prices according to quantity and location

I need to change the prices of various articles in WordPress, according to the quantity that is requested, and in the same way that the prices are different dep

Problem filtering wordpress custom post type using get_query_var()

I'm new in the forum so I apologize for any mistake I could make. I'm customizing a custom post type archive page and while creating it, I'd like to insert a li

Divi image module - generates a wrong path of image src

So when I create a page with an image module, the image cant be seen. And when I inspect the element the divi image module generates a wrong image src url - It

Use the_post() function with col-md-3 and col-md-6 in row for wp theme make

Hi i want to design a wp theme with bootstrap I have probleem with col-md-3 , col- md-6 in one row when use of the_post function For design like this image gri

How to get address of all vendors from same city in Dokan Plugin?

I am using dokan for my client's website. they want to show map locations of all the vendors if they are in the same city. For example, if you select London the

Wordpress Gutenberg Anchor Support for Dynamic Block

I want to have anchor support for my dynamic wordpress block. I did //in registerBlockType supports: { anchor: true, }, This adds the HTML Anchor control

Google Indexing + Yoast SEO Media Attachments

I have ~300 pages on my website so when I saw my index on Google Search Console, I knew something was wrong. I believe I suffered from the Yoast SEO bug on Word

Google Ad's error (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

I've placed the ads on the WordPress site it's working fine at the time but after a while the google ads didn't display Before: <!-- wp:html --> <s

Don't show recurring price for WooCommerce subscriptions worth 0$

I want to modify the subscription string so it only shows the sign-up fee for variations with 0$ recurring fee. I would also like to show that variation price

How to save Multiple Images from frontend form in ACF Repeater Field in my Post Wordpress

There is my code in this code i insert data to post by frontend html form. i insert post title, description, featured image and ACF textfields. and Gallery imag

How does a background photo crystallize when the mouse hovers over the title hover in my custom elementor element?

I want to write a special css for an element in the elementor plugin How does a background photo crystallize when the mouse hovers over the title hover? I wrote

i want condition active page/or open post page, title not show in sidebar

i want condition active page/or open post page, title not show in sidebar <?php $the_query = new WP_Query( array('post_type' => 'courses')); ?>

How to receive className with ServerSideRender of Gutenberg?

I'm trying to render a block from PHP with ServerSideRender as follows: js file: /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { registerBlo

Woocommerce Stripe No such source: 'src_1HSDYbGnTdOaP0tZcjziW81K' Error

I'm currently working with stripe woocommerce for my wordpress project, when I proceed a checkout using saved cards it shown me an error like this No such sour

LIKE query not returning data as expected - WordPress

I really don't know what's the issue. I think my code is OK but the output is wrong. I don't know anything about WordPress, please help me. elseif ($_GET['searc

Wordpress how to get the post thumbnail inside a figure tag

I am running a query loop and want that 'if' the post has a featured image, it needs to be inside a <figure> tag. But the featured image's <img> tag

Q: How to override the Elementor's function in function.php?

I want to write a new code to override original function: For Exsample ori code: elementor-pro/modules/posts/skins/skin-cards.php class Skin_Card

How can I use dynamic whitelist on yairEO/tagify?

I'm working on a WordPress project with PHP & MySQL and I am using Tagify for create some tags. The trouble is that I want to have a dynamic whitelist based

WooCommerce single product page by Woolentor : Related product customize

I use WooCommerce, Woolentor, and WooCommerce subscriptions to construct a website. I'm trying to use the 'WL:Related Product' widget for Woolentor's Single Pro