Category "xaml"

TrayIcon with WinUI 3

I am trying to make a program that runs in the background, and I want to place a Tray Icon in the Tray Icon Section of Windows. I didn't find a solution to do t

Can't see anything on the Xamarin ListView (DataBinding - MVVM)

I tried to use some DataBindings on the listview but nothing is listed. Model.cs public class Post { // Columns inside of the Database table [PrimaryKe

My C# WPF webscraper returns error when more than one result is found

I am working on a WPF XAML application that scrapes certain websites for products. I have the search part working and it finds what I'm looking for. But as soon

DockPanel Dock Top element to be scrollable while Dock Bottom does not get hidden

Issue: Creating a DockPanel with Top with flexible height scroller and bottom element. <DockPanel> <Scrollview DockPanel.Dock="Top" height="150">

How can i Change tab item Content on Xamarin forms shell

I need to change one of my tabs' content depending on the condition of the user logged in or just a guest this is my shell <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-

WPF Control lagging behind children WebView2 control

I am trying to make a draggable window sort of thing in wpf (.net core 6) and I am using webview2 to make a browser window. However I discovered this strange be

How to bind an imageSource from a List of Image items in .NET MAUI

I'm developing an app that will soon have a server/DB. I want toaccomplish the binding between the List images and the xaml. Any idea of how to proceed? public

How to change a property of a specific element in a DataTemplate from code behind?

I have a bug in my code. FindChild<T>() is searching a Element which is named "PasswordTextBox" but because "PasswordTextBox" is in the DataTemplate there

WinUI 3 runtime localization

I am developing WinUI 3 app, currently stuck with localization. Although I wrote separate resw resource files for different cultures and localized with x:Uid I

How to access fields or controls of Custom View from another Page's XAML in Xamarin Forms?

I am having a Custom Control, I want to add some elements from the Page in which it will be used. Just like this <Label> <Label.Text>First Name&

C# IOException Cannot locate resource

I have a C# project where I have some PNG files in a Images directory. The structure of the project can be simplified to: | ViewModel.cs View.xaml | [Images]

XAML WrapPanel inside TreeView

I have a TreeView displaying items through a Hierarchical Data Template. Now I want to display two properties of an object in the TreeView, as in: Object1 Nam

Why does the IsPressedChanged event not work with an interaction trigger but other events do?

Edit: To make it short: as AFigmentOfMyImagination pointed out in his answer, there exists no IsPressedChanged event. However, here is the original question: I

Binding to a static property doesn't update in Xamarin Forms

I am learning to use MVVM in Xamarin Forms. I am stuck with a Binding issue. I have been trying different solutions on the internet for the past few hours. I am

AvaloniaUI: Cannot embed VideoView control (LibVlcSharp) in a UserControl

I am new to AvaloniaUI 0.10.5. Currently I am using the VideoView control (LibVLCSharp.Avalonia 3.5.0) in an application on macOS. The code is a copy of Donadre

Span Label underline is not working on Xamarin iOS

I'm using a Label with Spans, one of them is a link and I want to add an underline style, I'm using <Span Text="Link url" TextDecorations="Underline" /> b

Behavior OnDetachingFrom not called on close of popup

On close of popup behavior dettach method is not called. while OnDisappering the page if binding context is assigned with null OnDetachingFrom will be called. B

How to create a semi-transparent frame in xaml?

I have made a BMI calculator based on a tutorial on Youtube. I added wallpaper to my app. I want to add a transparent frame to my background and all the control

Multi linear brush in same fill rect only in xaml

Can i use lineargradientbrush to fill a rect in xaml only combining different direction? I'd like to have it in a drawingimage... ex image below

Dynamicly adding StackLayout

So what I wanna do is have a stacklayout, with entries etc. Added when I set it in the code. For example, I have 3 entries, once they are all filled I want a se