Category "xcode"

Class _PointQueue is implemented in both when I click on textfield... How can I resolve this issue?

I'm using xcode 13 and making a demo on coredata. objc[6188]: Class _PathPoint is implemented in both /Applications/

AutoLayout Equal Heights hides Subviews

I have a UIView buttonView and gave it an equal heights constraint to the super UIView with a 0.4 multiplier. The frame is adjusted correctly but the subviews o

About using Swiftz library issues(Functional programing)

Recently I'm learning functional programing using swift programing language, and found a library named Swiftz, I found a very strange way to call function and w

Xcode Import For Localizations Missing Resource in Import error

After having our app translated in a few languages, we realized that there were a couple .strings files that had been included in the .xliff files that were not

Open multiple previews at the same time in SwiftUI

I know we can open multiple previews of different screens at the same time in SwiftUI. Can anyone help me with the steps to achieve that?

Debugging Quicklook Plugin in Xcode

I am trying to debug a quicklook plugin in Xcode 4.6. I have created the executable in Edit Scheme. Now, when I build the project the plugin is not installed to

Xcode build is missing expected TARGET_BUILD_DIR build setting

I face error while launching on device on iPhone 12 Pro Max. This is console log Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 12 Pro Max in `debug mode` Running Xcode buil

Autoshrink setting for UIButton in Storyboard

There is a setting for UILabel in storyboard that allows setting auto-shrink configurations, as shown below: But I am unable to find the same for UIButton's te

Get `AttributeGraph: cycle detected` error when changing disabled state of text field

When I update the isDisabled state variable in my view, it updates the .disabled modifier of my text field as expected, but it then causes about 40 instances of

Get `AttributeGraph: cycle detected` error when changing disabled state of text field

When I update the isDisabled state variable in my view, it updates the .disabled modifier of my text field as expected, but it then causes about 40 instances of

Xcode "Build and Archive" from command line

Xcode 3.2 provides an awesome new feature under the Build menu, "Build and Archive" which generates an .ipa file suitable for Ad Hoc distribution. You can also

Xcode "Build and Archive" from command line

Xcode 3.2 provides an awesome new feature under the Build menu, "Build and Archive" which generates an .ipa file suitable for Ad Hoc distribution. You can also