I am trying to use Metal Performance Shaders with Core Image. Unfortunately, the filter code is in Objective C and I am using the bridge to make it work with th
Annoying problem here for my Flutter app: iOS13.3, Xcode11.3 on a physical iPhoneX. The iOS-Simulators all work. The problem is only happening on a physical dev
I am currently building a page to add player information to a local database. I have a collection of TextFields for each input which is linked to elements in a
I have an app that needs to have a "choose file" function and I used a button hooked up to a function using NSOpenPanel to do that. But after I tried to add a d
I have a ChildView with a variable: @Binding var itemName: String In this ChildView I have few buttons that change value of the variable: Button(action: {
I have developed my watch app for my iOS App. The problem is that I need to use WCSession logic in order to send data from iOS to the AppWatch and vice versa. I
Xcode gives the error: Function opaque return type was inferred as 'Button', which defines the opaque type in terms of itself on the line below: @State var sh
I am new to SwiftUI (iOS development). I would like to mimic the iOS Photos APP browsing behavior with SwiftUI. More specifically, I want to display a photo in
I am trying to add a dependency on a local swift package in my Xcode project. (I don't want to add a dependency using a file url file://me/dev/app/package as th
Running into this error when uploading to the App Store: ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file 'mobile.app/Frameworks/Pods_mobile.frame
I am using an M1 MacBook pro laptop and ios 13 simulator for developing a flutter app, But I am getting the below issue while trying to run the flutter app in t
im having some troubles building an app in xcode but the build in Unity to android works just fine. I have searched all over and none of the other solutions hel
I initialized new react-native project with "react-native init ReactNStudy" for first time on my M1 Silicon Apple computer. Metro builder worked without any pro
I am working in flutter and i want to create an ipa file for testing purpose. Is there any way to create ipa directly from android studio terminal? If there,wha
I am new on Xcode and crazy using vim mode for everything. On Xcode, whenever I switch to different tab on editor view I have to use keyboard shortcut command +
I searched for an equivalent of VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY for xcode in cmake documentation, but I couldn't find one. If it indeed doesn't exist, how I can u
I need to create a single dashed line. I tried going about it by creating a Rectangle view with a dashed stroke. However, when setting the height of the rectang
I added unit test target to my existing project, but while @testable import Product_Module_Name getting error "Failed to load module 'Product_Module_Name'". I
i added Unit test target to existing project, when i @testable import Product_Module_Name in test class i am getting Missing required module 'Firebase' i am u
All simulators of 11 version and below are missed after updating XCode to 13 version. There is iOS 11.4 in the list of available simulators: Simulator list: Bu