Category "xpath"

A way of selecting the next xpath element

How can i switch to the next element from a table using python and selenium. I have a website with a table that looks like this:

How to click all arrow buttons within a dynamic table on website?

On this website (, there is a table with clickable arrows on some of the rows. I've

selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":".ui flu~"}

This is the code I use: import requests as r, sys as sus, bs4 as bs, webbrowser as wb from selenium import webdriver as wd dr = wd.Chrome() b = r.get("https:/

Need to Fetch the radio button value, but in the console that is highlighting only by ": :before" i am not able to fetch that

I wanted to fetch the Radio button is selected or not, but not able to fetch that property, because that is highlighting ": :before" enter image description her

Need to Fetch the radio button value, but in the console that is highlighting only by ": :before" i am not able to fetch that

I wanted to fetch the Radio button is selected or not, but not able to fetch that property, because that is highlighting ": :before" enter image description her

Issues with selecting #text inside an html, div enclosed in double quotes using xpath/lxml in python

I'm trying to extract the Fund Summary text on the following Yahoo Finance page using python: Thus far, XPath has worked well using the XPath with the text() me

python selenium xpath loop skips random elements

I was trying to select all the 264 Recipients from the second form on this website and I used the code below: s = Service('./chromedriver.exe') driver = webdriv

xpath extract field name and "column" name from jdo mapping

First time dealing with xpath and XML data. I have below xpath query that I got through some Stack Overflow answers. Below, I want to extract all the column nam

Python selenium clicking a button

I am trying to write a python script to automatically download csv using the "Download CSV" button from the below link:

How to select only top level tags?

I`ve a xml file: <response> <ERROR_CODE>0</ERROR_CODE> <result> <value> <Account>L01+00000F00</Account>

How to extract the text iterating specific rows within a table using XPath with Selenium and Java

I want to iterate through this table and need to get a text from each row like text inside td= health1, health 2 and health 3, similarly, I need text inside the


I'm handling a web service with camel xml ?dataFormat=POJO on the from But a front end dev is shoving some data in a field now, and I need to check if it's popu

Unable to find the xpath of star using selenium & java

Thank you in advance ! url - i ne

"Unable to find element error" even if this exists

is there a way to click this "like" button? Because I can't do it via xpath or full xpath, not even using "webdriverwait". I always get the error Message: no su

How to access the <li> items using Selenium webdriver

I want to access <li> items in a webpage. From the given HTML, how can I access the list items such as User, Make & Model?? I am not able to retriev

Appium - Xpath to get direct children not working on Android

For some reason, I am not able to get all direct children of an element on Android. Apparently, the XPath does not work correctly when searching subelements in

C# extracting a single variable from html document from a website

This is what it looks like. I've tried something like this: var url = ""; var httpsClient = new HttpClient(); var html = await httpsCl

How to select the first element with a specific element using XPath

I need to do something similar to this: How to select the first element with a specific attribute using XPath Instead of evaluating the attribute content, I nee

AEM JCR SQL2 query to find all pages contains specific component

I wish to build a sql2 jcr query to find all pages under /content that contains this component, e.g /apps/platform/aem-core/components/content/form/form I read

Python/With selenium, trying to express a xpath for a color so all buttons matching the color can be clicked

I'm currently working with Selenium and Python to create a script that helps with booking free spots on a website for internships so you don't have to check it