Category "xpath"

Getting element's name in XPATH

If I selected an element using XPATH how can I get its name? I mean something like text() function in //element/[@id=elid]/text().

Robot Framework - check if element defined by xpath exists

I'm wondering, I'd love to find or write condition to check if some element exists. If it does than I want to execute body of IF condition. If it doesn't exist

python selenium find elements by xpath returns a list of a links but element not interactable

I am using this xpath //a[contains(., 'Download Python')] on in chrome developer tools I get 4 matches, each one match the following

QATester weird Error: clickable element "ADD" was not found by text|CSS|xpath

Sup Guys! I'm finishing an Assesment related to an PHP/MySql App; I have learning from scratch since I have never seen PHP before, and I have to admit that I wo

How to crawl question and answer of Google People Also Ask with Selenium and Python?

I used this code for crawl question and anwser of Google People Also Ask. I want use that for create idea for writer. But I can't get exactly that element, in t