I have this code: typedefs.js /** * A UUID. * Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655540000 * * @typedef {string} uuid */ /** * @typedef {Object} Notific
JSDoc skips my public LWC variables. Here is an example: /** * SomePublicVarName mode - default is false. * * @type {boolean} */ @a
I'm in an old project that is too huge to easily convert to Typescript, so I've been using JSDoc instead. The Typescript feature that I can't figure out how to
I'm trying to reduce duplication in specifying my imported types as follows but I'm getting an error /** @typedef {import("../types/util")} util @typedef {util.
I'm trying to reduce duplication in specifying my imported types as follows but I'm getting an error /** @typedef {import("../types/util")} util @typedef {util.
I've distilled an essence of my problem with following codes: full source I have Base class, and Derived, Derived2: class Base { static get type() {
I have something like this: let { total } = settings; How do I document the total variable? I tried something like this: /** * @type {Object} * @property
Short version: If I wanted to develop a completely new jsDoc template from scratch, what would I have to read to understand what jsDoc does, what interface my t