Category "xticks"

Python Pandas- Increase Xtick frequency without matplot

is there a way I could change my xtick frequency without changing my code too much? ax = pred0x.plot.line(x='time', y='load', figsize=(200,100), fontsize=100, c

How do I solve this too crowded x-axis when x-ticks does not work?

Context: The Data is on the millisecond and is in the following format: '08:04:18.795' '08:13:15.496' Now what I want is to create specific time brackets (e.g.

Same x-ticks for all subplots in matplotlib

Though this question has already been asked, but I am unable to implement that. I don't know how get the xticks for each subplot and then replace it with the ne

Same x-ticks for all subplots in matplotlib

Though this question has already been asked, but I am unable to implement that. I don't know how get the xticks for each subplot and then replace it with the ne

How to show xticks for all 365 distinct tick labels on the X-axis using matplotlib?

I have plotted two line plots. For Y-axis as the number of values are less, the Y-axis is clearly visible. However, for X-axis there are 365 values correspondin

Set xaxis of imagesc with scaled binned values

I have a matrix(20x400) and I am plotting it with imagesc in MATLAB where y axis having 20 values and xaxis having 400 values. However, I would like to know how

Set xaxis of imagesc with scaled binned values

I have a matrix(20x400) and I am plotting it with imagesc in MATLAB where y axis having 20 values and xaxis having 400 values. However, I would like to know how