Category "yaml"

YAML Environment Variable Interpolation in SnakeYAML scala

Leveraging the best from SnakeYAML & Jackson in scala, I am using the following method to parse YAML files. This method supports the usage of anchors in YAM

Copy files with github-action

I am trying to write a GitHub action that makes a copy of a file in my repo into a different subdir in the repo. This is my dir structure (before the file is co

how can we configure unicode decoding in Logback yaml file.?

how can we configure Unicode decoding in Logback yaml file.? logging: level: INFO appenders: - type: console includeCallerData: true timeZon

How can I keep the anchors and aliases as the are?

E.g. input file username: &username john password: &password xyz server: &servername host: server: *servername username: *username p

Review of gitlab CI using yml

Hi I am using the following gitlab yml file for setting up my pipeline. The project is a maven Java project. But I am not able to run all the steps successfully

Serializing multiline string from JsonNode to YAML string adds double quotes and "\n"

I have a YAML string where one of the attributes looks like this: description: | this is my description //imagine there's a space after description th

I am getting this error while creating a new flutter project in android studio related to pubspec.yaml

name: i_am_poor description: A new Flutter project. publish_to: 'none' version: 1.0.0+1 environment: sdk: ">=2.16.2 <3.0.0" dependencies: flutter: sdk: fl

Python: Iterate through YAML file and output all relevant settings from hierarchy

I'm new to python and am looking for the best way to import a YAML file into Python and iterate through it to collect relevant appsettings for a specific instan

Inside spring-boot--application.yml- what can be the replacement for colon?

application.yml Pensions : Workplace-DPO: [email protected] I want Pensions : Workplace-DPO to be as key , but its treating DC Pensions to be as key . Quot

Gitlab CI/CD Spring boot Mysql sample Build and db connection successful but Junit test failing with Unknown database issue..! (DB exist)

Applying CI/CD With Spring Boot MySQL Gitlab I'm created very basic Spring boot crud application with MySQL, What I need to implement is Gitlab CI pipeline to a

How to configure the Keras Optimizer and Learning rate using config.yaml file?

I have defined few parameters in my config.yaml like as below. params: epochs: 10 batch_size: 128 num_classes: 10 loss_function: sparse_categorical_cros

Why is my Discord Bot in GitHub not working?

When I run it's giving me this error. I was just trying to replicate a bot from GitHub and I didn't know it would be this difficult, here is the GitHub:

Sending email with Github Actions

I am exploring Github Actions and i want to send email with Github actions. but github is giving me the following error. Run dawidd6/[email protected] Err

AzurePipeline failing due to: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1 were not found

I have an Azure pipeline setup for my builds. I have been running into this issue recently and cannot figure out a way to fix this: ##[error]C:\Program Files\Mi

yq v4: print all key value pairs with full key path

I'm trying to determine the correct syntax for using yq to print all key/value pairs from a given yaml input using yq v4 - with the desired output having the fu

How to read from YAML file in java?

I have YAML file like this.. Product: ProductA: Suite: SuiteName_A: Environment_1: ["A","B","C"] Environment_2: ["X","Y","Z"] SuiteName_B

aws sam bucket deploy failed due to Encountered unsupported boolean value true

I tried to deploy a S3:Bucket with sam. But when i run sam deploy, it failes with the error message "Encountered unsupported boolean value true" Any idea why ?

How to set up SonarQube code duplication by folder or group of projects and not for the whole Solution in a single Azure DevOps repository?

In our product stack, we have an intricate projects structure. There is a main app that is responsible for core functions (routing, auth, etc.) and there are su

Job as a variable and use variable inside this job | github action & yaml

I'm currently deploying a security tool for my cluster. It worked well but I want to reduce the length of the code and avoid repeating code inside the file. Her

github action pip dependencies not working after found cache

I had wrote a workflow that included caching, following the docs of action/cache@v2. I'm using docker-compose to host my postgres db and doing tests with django