my manuscript output is no longer converted into an updated word document using bookdown or regular md. After knitting my .Rmd, I get an outdated version of the
I have a GitLab CI/CD job doing some stuff. I want some executed commands to be able to fail and result in a warning for this job, but I also want other command
Iam Trying to create Network Lode Balancing in Cloudformation But Stack it Getting fail with below error. Error : Listener protocol 'TCP' must be one of 'HTTP,
I'm trying to setup via CloudFormation an EFS mount for self-hosted Prometheus. Below is the CloudFormation for my setup: Resources: ServiceSecurityGroup:
With spring-boot, in case of file there is provision to specify classpath in value. app.templates = classpath:app\mock-templates How to
With spring-boot, in case of file there is provision to specify classpath in value. app.templates = classpath:app\mock-templates How to
I wanted to know exactly what is the difference between '>-' and '|-' especially in kubernetes yaml manifests
I'm new in Ansible. I'm working on an Ubunto machine. On the VM, I installed Ansible along with to apply play books to. When I run a playbook I receive the fol
In appengine-web.xml we have <resource-files> tag to make resources files accessible to the application at runtime but not public, but in the new app.yaml
application.yml server: port: 9001 server.port= 9001 code works when I use .properties file but when I am using .yml file no propert
We're working on converting our Classic Azure Pipelines to YAML Pipelines. One thing that is not clear is how to ensure that two different variable groups with
I am new to helm and I am trying to generate different topics for kafka with a range function to not have a yaml file for each topic: I have different topics (t
In Azure DevOps (YAML pipeline), we have a stages that should be run only after another set of stages have been skipped. In the example below, the parameter cop
I'm trying to use a cron job referenced in a yaml file part as part of my CircleCI CI system: I would like a job to run every 10 mins using the 0/10 * * * * for
Example yaml file being edited: FTP_Folder: C:/Users/admin/Documents/Data DBtables: CurrentMinuteLoad: CSV_File: trend.csv Table_Name: currentminutel
I am having Jenkins running in K8s and now i am trying to run: docker build as one of the step in Jenkins build. Since Jenkins is running inside Docker, i came
Im a newbie in golang. I am trying to compare two yaml files and update the 2nd file's value if there is any new value in 1st yaml for that particular key. So t
In an Azure DevOps pipeline template, I am declaring a parameter as an array/sequence parameters: mySubscription: '' myArray: [] steps: - AzureCLI@2 inp
I'm trying to setup a static S3 website to be reachable via my custom domain, but when I've tested my cloudfront URL I'm getting 504 Error and in the logs, I se
I'm just learning about Kubernetes using ingress and MariaDB. I don't know which one make my code error that return "This site can’t be reached". The requ