I use zsh, oh-my-zsh, neovim, alacritty, and zsh-vi-mode oh-my-zsh plugin. My EDITOR is set to /usr/local/bin/nvim -u /Users/aleksander/.config/nvim/init.lua Wh
I want to add multiple Path Variables: Dart & Pub (Doesn't work) sdkman (works) homebrew and its installations (Doesn't work) Deno (Doesn't work) Cargo &
Do you need to include export for environment variables in Bash profile / zshrc? I'm using Z shell (Zsh) for my terminal and in my .zshrc file I have the two li
I get a generic ? where the icons should be. A similar issue but for Visual Studio Code is documented here: https://dev.to/avantar/how-to-fix-zsh-icons-in-visua
The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t
The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t
I've been tinkering with my .zshrc file for a while to change how the command prompt looks and also make it display certain statuses for git. But after I made s
In .zsh, in my .zshrc file I'd like to set up a function to cd to a directory I input, but using an existing variable to write the common ~/path/to/parent/direc
I wanted to create a react project and when I executed the command it said zsh: command not found: npx Then I tried the ls command and it said zsh: command not
I am using a oh-my-zsh shell in an Apple terminal (2.11) in full screen, and by default the name of the tabs is the name of the program being run (eg. vim). Is
I am using a oh-my-zsh shell in an Apple terminal (2.11) in full screen, and by default the name of the tabs is the name of the program being run (eg. vim). Is
I have tried the following steps to install and setup mongodb in my mac from here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/ but I got th
npm install -g yarn > [email protected] preinstall /Users/myname/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn > :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || tr
enter image description hereI need help, I don't arrive to delete env variable with unset. I want to delete conda env variable: I use unset: I look to env var
I'm trying to integrate zsh on my VSC setup but apparently arrows are not recognized by it. My zsh theme is agnoster and I've already tried adding "terminal.i
Is there an easy way to align multiple rows of text about a single character, similar to this question, but in bash. Also open to zsh solutions. What I have: aa
I am trying to create a zsh function that uses youtube-dl and ffmpeg to download a portion of a YouTube video. I did achieve this goal with the following functi
I'm new to scripting and have decided to learn with this homework that I gave myself. The goal of this script is simply: display available colors in color pick
/Users/ello/.zshrc:source:3: no such file or directory: /Users/ello/Projects/config/env.sh Ello-MacBook-Pro% /Users/ello/.zshrc:source zsh: no such file or dir
I've updated git to its latest version (2.29.0) and I'm using ZSH 5.8. I used to switch between branches with git checkout remote_br<tab> to quickly switc