Do you need to include export for environment variables in Bash profile / zshrc? I'm using Z shell (Zsh) for my terminal and in my .zshrc file I have the two li
The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t
The first command applied is "l" which corresponds to the alias: alias l='grc -es --colour=auto ls --color -Gh -C -lrt' Once I type "l", I want, when I touch t
I've been tinkering with my .zshrc file for a while to change how the command prompt looks and also make it display certain statuses for git. But after I made s
In .zsh, in my .zshrc file I'd like to set up a function to cd to a directory I input, but using an existing variable to write the common ~/path/to/parent/direc
I'd like to run the following: kubectl get po -o custom-columns=NAME:'{}',OWNER:'{.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name}',OWNER_KIND:'{.metadata.owner
I wanted to create a react project and when I executed the command it said zsh: command not found: npx Then I tried the ls command and it said zsh: command not
For some reason, when I pip3 everything, it goes all under this PATH /Users/XXX/Library/Python/3.8/bin same for my notebook. So I opened my vscode and go to .z
this is my .zshrc file . vcs_info working for single quoted prompt but it's not working for double quoted prompt. autoload -Uz vcs_info zstyle ':vcs_info:*' ena
I'm trying to alias _! to sudo the last command, but I'm running into roadblocks. !! doesn't seem to work in my .zshrc file, and sed has given me repeated probl
I'm using iTerm2 on Mac OSX 10.8 with an xterm key binding and zsh. I'd like zsh to use option left arrow and option right arrow to do the standard Mac binding