Category "mathjax"

Sympy plot in a pyscript environment not showing on web screen

Python Sympy running in a pyscript environment is not displaying init_printing(use_unicode=True) characters, for example a √ symbol", nor integrated sympy

Setting CSS styles, color, for MathJax

Hi I am trying to add styles to my MathJax output. In particular I would like to set a global color for my equations (so that it matches the styles on the rest

Rendering MathJax output on <canvas>

I have searched this topic, but not able to find a direct answer, and I am also not good in javascript. So I hope someone can show me how to do this. I simply

Is it possible to center an inline-block element and if so, how?

I have an element of initially unknown width, specifically a MathJax equation supplied by the user. I have the element set as inline-block to ensure that the w