'Change text color of a Ext.ComponentQuery.query
I'm working with Sencha Architect.
I'm passing values from a localStorage to a displayfield.
get_name: function(component, eOpts) {
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("loginData"));
name = data["name"];
The value appears normally, but I can't change the font color.
Any idea how I can do this?
I've tried a few things like:
html, style, css.
But the text color remains default
Solution 1:[1]
You can change the text color of your displayfield's value by using the config fieldStyle or setting it programmatically with the method setFieldStyle .
So here are your alternatives:
xtype: 'displayfield',
fieldLabel: 'My Display Field',
name: 'myField',
value: '10',
fieldStyle: { color: "red" }
<displayfield>.setFieldStyle({ color: "red" });
Solution 2:[2]
You cannot use background-color
, it has to be backgroundColor
get_name: function(component, eOpts) {
const field = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('displayfield[name="show_name"]')[0];
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("loginData")),
name = data["name"];
And I would not go with Ext.ComponentQuery. Instead you might go with
const form = getFormPanel, // typically this.getView()
field = form.lookupName('show_name');
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | v1rg1l |
Solution 2 | Dinkheller |