'Charles Proxy certificate is installed on device but calls are blocked Android

So I am trying to use Charles to test the analytics on this app. I've followed many tutorials but I can't seem to get it to work.

I've set up Charles properly, connected my Android phone (Google Pixel, Android 8) through the proxy, downloaded and installed the certificate. When I run the app I can see the tracking server, Charles filters the rest of them away, but the calls are blocked and instead I see a red "x" and this message:

"SS Handshake Received fatal alert:certificate_unknown"

The certificate is installed to the device and trusted I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

It's also important to note that the security config file has been added to the app, but I am still getting this result.

Error example:

error example

Solution 1:[1]

It's also important to note that the security config file has been added to the app, but I am still getting this result.

Can you share your security config file? If that's configured to trust user-installed certificates then you shouldn't have this problem, so there may be something wrong there. Compare it with this example.

Alternatively, this might be traffic from a different app on the device. Changing the proxy settings will redirect all traffic from the device, and other unmodified apps won't trust your certificate, so will cause these exact errors.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Tim Perry