'Check if Windows File Explorer is already opened in python

I have simple script that launches Windows File Explorer

import subprocess
subprocess.call(["start", "explorer.exe"],shell=True)

I'd like to check if Windows File Explorer is already opened so that I don't open another instance. How can I do it? Solutions without external libraries are preferred.

Solution 1:[1]

Found the solution

import win32gui

explorerWindows = []

def handler( hwnd, list ):
  # only explorer windows have class 'CabinetWClass'
  if 'CabinetWClass' in win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd):

win32gui.EnumWindows(handler, explorerWindows)

explorerOpened = len(explorerWindows) > 0

EDIT: easier method

import win32gui
explorerOpened = win32gui.FindWindow('CabinetWClass', None) != 0


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Solution Source
Solution 1