'client.run("TOKEN") blocking issue (python & discord.py)

I know that client.run("TOKEN") blocks off any code following it...I'm trying to have my program print a message (in my case when a Nike product restocks), and then keep running and print another one when it picks up something again. How can I close/shut off my client.run("TOKEN") command so that my program can keep running?


            client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "!")

            channel = client.get_channel(ABCDEFG)
            await channel.send("NO RESTOCK FOUND...STILL MONITORING")




Solution 1:[1]

Instead of using client.run(), you can use await client.start(), which does not block the code.

import asyncio

async def client_start():
    await client.start('token.goes.here')

You can then call await client.start() in your function.

To send a message use message.channel.send('Message') or ctx.send('Message'), depending on if you are using an event or command.

Solution 2:[2]

i have a bot that require to send a signals every random time and some times i need to send messages bellow the client.run line , so i couldn't found any solution , the best way i found to send a messages in any place in the code in any time like this , using the basic URL request method :

all you need to change in this code is :

1/ line no 2 ( your channel id )

2/ line no 4 ( your channel Token ) or ( Bot Token if trying to send as bot )

3/ the_message = 'any message you want to send'

import requests
the_url = 'https://discord.com/api/v9/channels/your_channel_id/messages'

def send(the_message):
    TOKEN = 'Your_Bot_Token'
    header = {
        'authorization': f'Bot {TOKEN}',

    payload = {
        'content': f'{the_message}',

        'author': {
            'pinned': True
    requests.post(the_url, data=payload, headers=header)

######### Calling the Function to send a message in any place in the code ^_^ #########


you can call send function in any place in the code ^_^ .

Solution 3:[3]

You could import Threading and use the class Thread, basically make a function like:

def runClient():

and in that part that u want the client.run("TOKEN") to be run just do this: threading.Thread(target=runClient).start() this will create a thread that will run that function and will keep doing the rest after that function, hope this helps!!


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Eric Jin
Solution 2 Mr Dream
Solution 3 Tiago Oliveira