'Codeceptjs doesn't load most elements, waitForNavigation() just causes it to freeze forever

I am having an issue testing with codeceptjs. I am attempting testing apps on the Atlassian cloud but codeceptjs/puppeteer cannot interact with any of the elements on the page. When I enable screenshots I see it is on the right page but codeceptjs can only find the elements in the navigation menu. it cannot even find the body element either by selector or xpath. I tried adding I.waitForNavigation() but the tests never advance past that step. I tried to set a timeout in the config section as they say in the docs here but I am having no luck. I tried everything they suggested but it just waits there forever. if I comment out I.waitForNavigation() it will fail because it cannot find a Boyd element. I am using the default config file that gets created when you install codeceptjs in a directory. this the code I am trying to test but it is causing all kinds of issues.


// if I don't comment this out it will wait here forever
// it can find the iframe for some reason but nothing else
// if I do comment it out it fails here because it says there is no body element. can't find it by xpath either.

I have no idea why this is happening. any help is greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:[1]

amOnPage with default config runs navigation and passes after navigation.

waitForNavigation will start to wait navigation after navigation. So it never happens, if you will not run navigation again or page redirect starts.

You have 2 choices:

  1. not to use waitForNavigation and use amOnPage only.
  2. use waitForNavigation and amOnPage within Promise.all: await Promise.all(I.waitForNavigation(); I.amOnPage(pageUrl));


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Evgeny Lukoyanov