'CoffeeScript can't use spread operator with class fields

I can't understand why this syntax of spread method is wrong for CoffeeScript in WebStorm

class Test
 fruit: {apple: "apple"}
 init: ->
     console.log 1, @fruit
 spread: ->
     console.log 2, {@fruit...}
 spreadWithVar: ->
     fruit = @fruit
     console.log 3, {fruit...}

test = new Test()


After compiling I get this JS code:

(function() {
  var Test, test;

  Test = (function() {
    class Test {
      init() {
        return console.log(1, this.fruit);

      spread() {
        return console.log(2, {...this.fruit});

      spreadWithVar() {
        var fruit;
        fruit = this.fruit;
        return console.log(3, {...fruit});


    Test.prototype.fruit = {
      apple: "apple"

    return Test;


  test = new Test();




1 { apple: 'apple' }
2 { apple: 'apple' }
3 { apple: 'apple' }

To run code and see result in online compiler: jdoodle.com/ia/qQh

All three methods work fine when it compiled and give to me an expected JavaScript code. But as in online editor in WebStorm I get errors about of syntax @name...:

enter image description here


enter image description here

And I can not understand why? If it gives to me a correct JavaScript code, why does it think that this is wrong for CoffeeScript?

Solution 1:[1]

As you fixed your errors in gulp by updating gulp-coffee to the latest version, I think the webstorm problem is likely to have a similar solution.

Looking at the webstorm coffeescript documentation, they mention that it depends on a globally installed coffeescript package.

First check if your global coffeescript is outdated:

npm outdated -g --depth=0

Then you can go ahead and update it:

npm update -g coffeescript


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 caffeinated.tech