'Comparing two columns in two files using awk

I'm trying to compare two different files, let's say "file1" and "file2", in this way. If fields $2 and $3 are the same in both files, print $0 of file2. Here's an example:

E 352 697 
E 25 692
E 510 744

E 335 705 1 1
E 267 792 1 2
E 365 395 1 3
E 25 692 1 4
E 566 624 1 5
E 227 358 1 6
E 516 554 1 7
E 510 744 1 8
E 234 790 1 9
E 352 697 1 10

Desired output:

E 352 697 1 10
E 25 692 1 4
E 510 744 1 8

Notice that all couples $2,$3 in file1 are contained in file2 and the number of rows of the output file is the same of file1. There are a lot of questions with similar problems, I know that, but all the answers were not useful. I have tried to use:

awk 'FNR==NR {a[$2]; b[$3]; next} $2 in a && $3 in b' file1 file2 > output

It works but in the output file there are extra rows. Could you help me? Thanks!


Solution 1:[1]

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2,$3];next} ($2,$3) in a' file1 file2

Solution 2:[2]

This awk should do:

awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0];next} {for (i in a) if ($0~i) print}' file1 file2
E 25 692 1 4
E 510 744 1 8
E 352 697 1 10

It store the file1 in array a. Then loop trough file2 and test if it contains the data from array a, if yes, print the line.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Ed Morton
Solution 2