'Confusion on the defaultValue migration requirement for upgrade after Room 2.1.0

In Room 2.1.0, it is common to have the following code

Version 2

@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
    public String dummy0;


public class Migration_1_2 extends Migration {
    public Migration_1_2() {
        super(1, 2);

    public void migrate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {
        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE password ADD COLUMN dummy0 TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''");

Migration guideline from

are quite confusing.

Note: If your database schema already has default values, such as those added via ALTER TABLE x ADD COLUMN y INTEGER NOTNULL DEFAULT z, and you decide to define default values via @ColumnInfo to the same columns, then you might need to provide a migration to validate the unaccounted default values. See Room Migrations for more information.

Before upgrading to 2.2.3, there are 2 possibility

  1. We have a dummy0 column with default value if migration runs.
  2. Or, we have a dummy0 column without default value if this is fresh DB.

When we upgrade to Room 2.1.0 to Room 2.2.3, everything still work fine for both 2 cases, without having to add additional migration code, for drop-and-recreate table.

We do further testing.

Version 3

@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;

public class Migration_2_3 extends Migration {
    public Migration_2_3() {
        super(2, 3);

    public void migrate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {
        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE password ADD COLUMN dummy1 TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''");

Still work fine.

Version 4

@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy2", defaultValue = "")
    public String dummy2;

public class Migration_3_4 extends Migration {
    public Migration_3_4() {
        super(3, 4);

    public void migrate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {
        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE password ADD COLUMN dummy2 TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''");

Still work fine.

So, I'm confusing? Under what use case, we need to actually drop-and-recreate table?

Solution 1:[1]

I believe that the issue is not when adding a new column, but if the default value is applied/changed/removed to an existing column. It is then that you may have to recreate the affected table(s).

e.g. if you changed :-

@ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
public String dummy0;

to add a default value

@ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0", defaultValue = "")
public String dummy0;

Then there would be a schema mismatch because the expected schema would have DEFAULT '' whilst the found schema (original database) has no default coded.

  • This would require that the table be dropped and recreated as you can't ALTER to change the column's attributes.

If prior to 2.2.0 you had a previous non-room generated schema that included default values and the Entities weren't altered accordingly then you would get the clash because expected schema doesn't have a default whilst the found schema contains DEFAULT = ''.

  • This would require that the Entities be changed accordingly.


Assuming the current Entity is :-

@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    public Long id;
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;

Then the generated code to create the table is :-

_db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `password` (`id` INTEGER, `dummy0` TEXT NOT NULL, `dummy1` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))");
  • App was run with the above to create the database.

If now for Version 2 it is changed to :-

@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    public Long id;
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0", defaultValue = "" /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED */)
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;

Then the generated code is :-

_db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `password` (`id` INTEGER, `dummy0` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `dummy1` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))");

Running with a dumb/empty migration (1-2) then :-

  • The found schema (original DB) has :- defaultValue='null'
  • But the expected schema has :- defaultValue=''''

As per :-

2020-01-11 19:11:15.300 12539-12539/a.so59691979 E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: a.so59691979, PID: 12539
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{a.so59691979/a.so59691979.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Migration didn't properly handle: password(a.so59691979.Password).
    TableInfo{name='password', columns={dummy0=Column{name='dummy0', type='TEXT', affinity='2', notNull=true, primaryKeyPosition=0, defaultValue=''''}, dummy1=Column{name='dummy1', type='TEXT', affinity='2', notNull=true, primaryKeyPosition=0, defaultValue='null'}, id=Column{name='id', type='INTEGER', affinity='3', notNull=false, primaryKeyPosition=1, defaultValue='null'}}, foreignKeys=[], indices=[]}
    TableInfo{name='password', columns={dummy0=Column{name='dummy0', type='TEXT', affinity='2', notNull=true, primaryKeyPosition=0, defaultValue='null'}, dummy1=Column{name='dummy1', type='TEXT', affinity='2', notNull=true, primaryKeyPosition=0, defaultValue='null'}, id=Column{name='id', type='INTEGER', affinity='3', notNull=false, primaryKeyPosition=1, defaultValue='null'}}, foreignKeys=[], indices=[]}
        at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3270)

#Example Fix

Using a migration of :-

Migration M1_2 = new Migration(1,2) {
    public void migrate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {

        // CREATE SQL Copied from the generated Java PasswordDatabase_Impl (name changed)
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `password_new` (`id` INTEGER, `dummy0` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `dummy1` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))";
        database.execSQL("INSERT INTO `password_new` SELECT * FROM `password`");
        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `password` RENAME TO `password_old`");
        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `password_new` RENAME TO `password`");
        database.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `password_old`");

Fixes the issue.


The following code was used for producing the above :-


@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    public Long id;
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;

// New
@Entity(tableName = "password")
public class Password {
    public Long id;
    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0", defaultValue = "" /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED */)
    public String dummy0;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy1")
    public String dummy1;
  • Original was initially used


@Database(version = 2, entities = {Password.class})
public abstract class PasswordDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
  • Initiall version was 1


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    PasswordDatabase passwordDatabase;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        passwordDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(

    Migration M1_2 = new Migration(1,2) {
        public void migrate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {

            // CREATE SQL Copied from the generated Java PasswordDatabase_Impl (name changed)
            final String SQL_CREATE_NEW_PASSWORDTABLE =
                    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `password_new` (`id` INTEGER, `dummy0` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `dummy1` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))";
            database.execSQL("INSERT INTO `password_new` SELECT * FROM `password`");
            database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `password` RENAME TO `password_old`");
            database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `password_new` RENAME TO `password`");
            database.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `password_old`");
  • Initially the body of M1_2 was empty (so as to force the error)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1