'Connect Azure Active Directory and join the domain with AWS service

I'm now working on connecting existing Azure AD to AWS service (EC2 and file system) and want to connect the AWS service to existing Azure AD. When creating file system via AWS, I need to input the Active Directory via AWS Directory Service (AWS Managed Microsoft AD/Simple AD/AD Connector/Amazon Cognito Your User Pools).

I have already created Azure AD in Azure portal and I would like to use it as AWS file system's AD. May I have any ideas to perform this activity?

I have already completed the "Tutorial: Azure Active Directory integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS)" via https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/saas-apps/amazon-web-service-tutorial . Should I make use of AD connector/Amazon Cognito?

Solution 1:[1]

You would need to follow reliable instructions to complete this integration successfully. https://journeyofthegeek.com/2017/12/03/integrating-azure-ad-and-aws-part-1/ appears to be a good resource - perhaps consider giving it a shot.

You don't need to use Cognito.

Hope this helps.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Jayaram Mulupuru