'connect ETIMEDOUT error using POSTMAN with NEWMAN

I'm using Newman in order to execute a POSTMAN collection but I always have the error "connect ETIMEDOUT". Using just POSTMAN it works fine, but not with NEWMAN. The testing is quite simple, create a content on the server https://jsonblob.com/api

I'm following the tutorial http://blog.getpostman.com/2014/04/17/how-to-write-automated-tests-for-apis-with-postman-part-2/

Thanks you very much in advance. I put below the collection and the enviroment file.

This is the collection: { "id": "a6a6b2fe-db11-4c57-9144-6b3324174f18", "name": "Newman", "values": [ { "key": "url", "value": "https://jsonblob.com", "enabled": true, "type": "text" }, { "key": "deviceMapping", "value": "{\n \"content\": \"My first blog post :)\"\n}", "enabled": true, "type": "text" }, { "key": "blogLink", "value": "https://jsonblob.com/api/jsonBlob/b7f2ce87-4c8e-11e8-917b-9137e61d314b", "enabled": true, "type": "text" } ], "_postman_variable_scope": "environment", "_postman_exported_at": "2018-04-30T16:13:07.630Z", "_postman_exported_using": "Postman/6.0.10" }

This is the enviroment file: { "id": "a6a6b2fe-db11-4c57-9144-6b3324174f18", "name": "Newman", "values": [ { "key": "url", "value": "https://jsonblob.com", "enabled": true, "type": "text" }, { "key": "deviceMapping", "value": "{\n \"content\": \"My first blog post :)\"\n}", "enabled": true, "type": "text" }, { "key": "blogLink", "value": "https://jsonblob.com/api/jsonBlob/b7f2ce87-4c8e-11e8-917b-9137e61d314b", "enabled": true, "type": "text" } ], "_postman_variable_scope": "environment", "_postman_exported_at": "2018-04-30T16:13:07.630Z", "_postman_exported_using": "Postman/6.0.10" }

Solution 1:[1]

Fixed: It was a proxy matter. I wrote these two commands in the cmd console:

set HTTPS_proxy=myuser:mypassword@ipoftheproxy:portoftheproxy
set HTTP_proxy=myuser:mypassword@ipoftheproxy:portoftheproxy

Solution 2:[2]

It was a proxy issue for me, I added my organization specific proxy in Postman settings and it worked.

Solution 3:[3]

Fixed by change the proxy protocol

For Mac User

  1. Go to Settings -> Network -> Advanced -> Proxies
  2. Tick "Auto Proxy Discovery"
  3. Click "Ok"
  4. Click "Apply"
  5. Restart Postman enter image description here

Another way:

  1. Go to Postman Settings
  2. Set SSL certificate verification to off

Let me know if you found any issue

enter image description here


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Adrian Mole
Solution 2 Ramesh Singh
Solution 3 Muliawan