'Increasing Ajax request timeout in ExtJs

Is there one single configuration in ExtJs library to increase Ajax request timeout?

I have tried following two configurations but neither helped:

Ext.override(Ext.data.Connection, {
    timeout: 60000

Ext.Ajax.timeout = 60000;

Solution 1:[1]

I used the 2 that you mentioned, but also had to override these:

Ext.override(Ext.data.proxy.Ajax, { timeout: 60000 });
Ext.override(Ext.form.action.Action, { timeout: 60 });

Update for ExtJS 5:

It looks like you now need to set the Ext.Ajax timeout using setTimeout() for ExtJS 5+, instead of just setting the property:


Solution 2:[2]

I had to do below one :

Ext.Ajax.timeout= 60000; 
Ext.override(Ext.form.Basic, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout / 1000 });
Ext.override(Ext.data.proxy.Server, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout });
Ext.override(Ext.data.Connection, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout });

Solution 3:[3]

I've found this is the best change for ExtJS 4 (tested on 4.2.3):

// Connection uses its own timeout value hardcoded in ExtJS - we remove it so that Ext.data.Connection will then
// fallback to using Ext.Ajax.timeout, thus giving a single place for setting the timeout
// Bonus: you can change this at runtime
Ext.define('Monitoring.overrides.Connection', {
  override: 'Ext.data.Connection',
  constructor: function() {
    delete this.timeout;
Ext.define('Monitoring.overrides.ProxyServer', {
  override: 'Ext.data.proxy.Server',
  constructor: function() {
    delete this.timeout;

Now you can use Ext.Ajax.timeout and it will change all the AJAX calls (don't know about form submission).

Solution 4:[4]

This solution doesn't work for me:

Ext.Ajax.timeout = 60000

Then i found an other solution from ExtJS Docs (https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.5.0/classic/Ext.Ajax.html). It is the same solution as @kevhender mentioned before. This works for me (ExtJS version 7.5):



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Snehal Masne
Solution 3 Ton Voon
Solution 4 Quan Nguyen