'console error ignored attempt to cancel a touchstart event

I get this error in my ionic app when the user scrolls a collection-repeat long list.

ignored attempt to cancel a touchstart event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted.

Any idea what this is ?


<div class="scrollContainer">
    <ion-scroll zooming="false" direction="y" overflow-scroll="false">

        <div class="loadingboards" ng-if="!transitionFinished">
            <ion-spinner class="spinner spinner-ios">
            Loading boards list...

        <div id="boardselection" ng-if="transitionFinished">
            <ion-item collection-repeat="item in prodataSelect | orderBy:data.sort | filter: data.selectBrand.brand:true | filter: data.selectName.name | unique:'modelStrict'" item-width="96%" item-height="'18%'">

                <a class="optionfuninit item-content" data-proid="{{item.id}}" ng-click="whatToDo(item.id,$event);" ng-class="item.fun == '0' ? 'aNormal' :( item.fun == '1' ? 'aSmallWave' : (item.fun == '2' ? 'aStepUp' : ''))">
                    <img class="imageoptionsbrand" ng-src="{{ imagesUrls[(item.brand | lowercase | nospace)+'.png'] }}" />
                    <div class="listviewTrophy" ng-if="isWinning(item.id)">
                        <i class="icon ion-trophy"></i>
                        <div class="winningboardtext" translate="computepage.30">Winning Board</div>
                    <i class="icon ion-female" ng-show="item.gender == 'female'"></i>
                    <div class="listviewtexts" ng-class="item.fun == '0' ? 'aNormal' :( item.fun == '1' ? 'aSmallWave' : (item.fun == '2' ? 'aStepUp' : ''))">
                        <span class="listviewtextsmodel">{{item.modelStrict}}</span>
                    <div class="imagebox rotate90rightCenter">
                        <img class="imageoptionsmodel " ng-src="{{imagesUrls[item.imageName]}}" />




Solution 1:[1]

It worked to me to comment these lines in the file vendor.js

ToggleGesture.prototype.onDragStart = function (ev) {
    this.toggle._onDragStart(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__util_dom__["f" /* pointerCoord */])(ev).x);
ToggleGesture.prototype.onDragMove = function (ev) {
    this.toggle._onDragMove(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__util_dom__["f" /* pointerCoord */])(ev).x);
ToggleGesture.prototype.onDragEnd = function (ev) {
    this.toggle._onDragEnd(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__util_dom__["f" /* pointerCoord */])(ev).x);

Solution 2:[2]

Just go to ion-datetime 3-ios.entry.js and comment the line 1383:


You will get rid of the error:

[Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchstart event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Edison Chancusig
Solution 2 John Conde