'Create an IPA file with ionic

I'm trying to compile my ionic app for iOS. It compiles well with the simulator, so I'd like to test it on some friend's iDevices (I don't have any iphone or ipad), so I'd like to send them the IPA in order to test.

To do that I saw that I have to archive my project, I tried to do so and I got an error:

Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.

I checked my profile, XCode suggests me to fix the issue. But when I try to do so, I got this error:

Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your team. Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team.

So I thought that having an iDevice wasn't mandatory in order to compile for iOS. Am I wrong ?


Solution 1:[1]

You required provisioning profile to archive your project to make build. Now if you don't have create provisioning profile from your apple developer account, then you have option automatic, but to generate provisioning profile you required your device connected with your xcode,so that xcode takes udid of that device and can make automatic provisioning profile!

Now, if you don't have real device then from your developer account - Add some device first - I mean your friend's device(for that you required udid of it!) - create provisioning profile for development - download it - set it as provisioning profile from general or build settings from your xcode. Then you will able to make build!

If you have device then also you need to create provisioning profile that contains your friend's device, other wise application will not install on it!

You can refer Raywenderlich's tutorials to manage these kind of stuff that i have mentioned above!


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Ketan Parmar