'Convert specific property form Record into Array in Typescript/Javascript

Need to convert Record Type in Typescript/Javascript to Array with specific property

const store: Record<ProductID, ProductObject> = {
        'france': productObject:{
                                 present: 'in_stock',
                                 amount: 23,                            
            'uk': productObject:{
                                 present: 'in_stock',
                                 amount: 20,                            
         'japan': productObject:{
                                 present: 'no_stock',
                                 amount: 0,                         

Output: Creating New Array. Adding new key as 'country' & take only 'amount' property from store Record type.

const newArrayFromRecord = [
                            {country: 'france', amount: 23},
                            {country: 'uk', amount: 20}
                            {country: 'japan', amount: 0}

I have tried with Object.entries() and then pushing in Array. But all require unnecessary code. Is there any efficient way to do..

Solution 1:[1]

This is one possible way to achieve the objective:

  Object.entries(store).map(([k, v]) => ({
    country: k,
    amount: v.amount

Code Snippet using JS:

const store = {
  'france': {
    present: 'in_stock',
    amount: 23,
  'uk': {
    present: 'in_stock',
    amount: 20,
  'japan': {
    present: 'no_stock',
    amount: 0,

  'result: ',
  Object.entries(store).map(([k, v]) => ({
    country: k,
    amount: v.amount

And, here's a TypeScript Playground link.

Solution 2:[2]

You could just loop over the store object using a for in loop.

Or mapping it with Object.keys.

Aside from that I don't think there is really a more "efficient" solution.

const store = {
    france: {
        present: "in_stock",
        amount: 23,
    uk: {
        present: "in_stock",
        amount: 20,
    japan: {
        present: "no_stock",
        amount: 0,

const result = [];
for (const country in store) {
    result.push({ country, amount: store[country].amount });

const result_2 = Object.keys(store).map((country) => ({
    amount: store[country].amount,


Solution 3:[3]

Using Object.entries and destructuring

const data = {
  'france': {
    present: 'in_stock',
    amount: 23,
  'uk': {
    present: 'in_stock',
    amount: 20,
  'japan': {
    present: 'no_stock',
    amount: 0,

const res = Object.entries(data).map(([country, { amount }]) => ({



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 jsN00b
Solution 2
Solution 3 Siva K V