'Converting zipfile extracting code from ruby to python

I am converting a code from ruby to python that extracts the contents of a zipfile.

I am new to python and not sure how to exactly convert the below code.

ruby code:

def extract_from_zipfile(inzipfile)

  Zip::File.open(inzipfile) { |zipfile|
    zipfile.each { |file|
      zipfile.extract(file,file.name) { true }

  return txtfile

this is my python code:

def extract_from_zipfile(inzipfile):

 with zipfile.ZipFile(inzipfile,"r") as z:
 return txtfile

it returns the value as none.

Solution 1:[1]

In ruby version, txtfile will refer the last extracted file.

In Python, you can get file list using zipfile.ZipFile.namelist:

def extract_from_zipfile(inzipfile):
    txtfile = ""
    with zipfile.ZipFile(inzipfile, "r") as z:
        names = z.namelist()    # <---
        if names:               # <--- To prevent IndexError for empty zip file.
            txtfile = names[-1] # <---
    return txtfile


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Solution Source
Solution 1 falsetru