'Core data creates keeps populating with default values and doesn't save on close

I am fairly new to core data. I am trying to make a form where each time I add a section header and text from a sheet view, it appears within a new section. The problem I am having is every time I open the sheet view to enter the section header and text saved via core data, a big list of my default values of List Name and List Section appears on the main screen upon dismissing the sheet view. They also disappear after a relaunch so I don't think I am saving the data correctly.

enter image description here

I currently have the core data entity of Lists with the attributes of listName and listSection which are used in my form as seen in the image.

struct ContentView: View {
 @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
 @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) var lists: FetchedResults<Lists>

var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form() {
                ForEach(lists) { list in
                    Section(header: Text(list.listSection ?? "List Section")) {
                        NavigationLink {
                            Text("Next Page")
                        } label: {
                            Text(list.listName ?? "List Name")

I create this data via a sheet view. I also use the var dismiss to hide the sheet view, bringing me back to my main view code shown above.

struct AddList: View { 
    @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
    @State private var listNameEntry: String = ""
    @State private var listSectionEntry: String = ""
    @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
    @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) var lists: FetchedResults<Lists>
    var body: some View {
        let list = Lists(context: moc) //used to save to core data

            Form {
                Section() {
                    TextField("List Name", text: $listNameEntry) {
                        list.listName = listNameEntry
                    TextField("List Section", text: $listSectionEntry) {
                        list.listSection = listSectionEntry
                Section() {
                    Button("Done") {
                        try? moc.save()


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