I'm porting an iOS app from UIKit to SwiftUI. In this app, I need to capture and respond to keyboard input from a Bluetooth keyboard. In the UIKit app, I was do
Im trying to make my List selectable so I can delete or share multiple instances! Im trying to do that, with this method: List(selection: $selection) Here's my
Every time I am trying to resume my preview canvas in Xcode I get this annoying error. I tried restarting, moving the project to another location, and changing
So I have this structure Task which has a @State completion: struct Task:Identifiable{ var id: Int @State var completion:Bool = false var priority:S
I have a vector (converted to Pdf) that I want to use as my background for my app. However, the Image is aligned all the way to the left as you'd expect when us
When I press "Build" and/or "Run" buttons in Xcode (SwiftUI), it shows me an error and I get this message: One of the paths in DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS does not
I am trying our SwiftUI and want to create a component on the lines of SwiftUI's components. So, here is what I am trying to do: Create a new view extending Vie
(Using Xcode 12.3 and iOS 14.3) I use a DatePicker component with the default style (DefaultDatePickerStyle) to display and edit a date: the component shows the
The View protocol requires a body property: public protocol View { associatedtype Body : View @ViewBuilder var body: Self.Body { get } } Why have some
I'm trying to achieve the simplest possible use case, but I can't figure it out. I have a picture of calendar. All I want is to show DatePicker popup when tappi
I try for my personal knowledge to learn SwiftUI. Then I test on my Mac, but my first feeling is that SwiftUI is much more iOS oriented than macOS. Am I right ?
I am trying to display multiple map annotations to Apple Maps In SwiftUI, but the annotations are showing in some wrong perspective. All positions are displayed
Using shared authorization I am able to authorize the child's device and able to see all the installed apps on the child's mobile on the parent device. But when
I need to find out the exact moment when my ScrollView stops moving. Is that possible with SwiftUI? Here would be an equivalent for UIScrollView. I have no idea
How do you drag to refresh a grid view in swiftui? I know you can do it with List view with refreshable modifier in iOS 15, but how can you do it with a LazyVGr
I am working on an app in SwiftUI in Xcode 12.2. I have accidentally deleted the Automatic Preview Tab. I cannot seem to find the option to bring it back. Here
i'm new to swiftUI and trying to create simple app for showing images from API of images i got the images from url but can't show it in Imagev
I would like to run a function each time a tab is tapped. On the code below (by using onTapGesture) when I tap on a new tab, myFunction is called, but the tabvi
Whenever I rotate the device to landscape and back again, the top of the NavigationView (including the title and back button) get clipped under the status bar.
I am trying to create a share sheet to share a Text, it was working fine in iOS 14 but in iOS 15 it tells me that "'windows' was deprecated in iOS 15.0: Use UIW