'Custom Element (HTMLElement) allowed as child of list (<ul> and <ol>)?

I figure this is not allowed:


But what can we do to not break semantics? I know that elements other than HTMLElement would exist, but Safari is not okay with this being the case. What would be the best solution to achieve a proper HTML semantic?

Solution 1:[1]

Custom elements can customize existing elements. If you're wanting to create a custom list item element, you should probably extend the existing one. This will allow you to validly place it as a child of an unordered list element.

When you're constructing a custom element, you can tell it to extend an existing element like so:

class MyLI extends HTMLLIElement {
  constructor() {

customElements.define('my-li', MyLI, { extends: 'li' })

To use it, you would still use a regular, semantic, syntactically correct list item element, but you tell the browser it's an instance of a custom element with the is attribute.

  <li is="my-li">

Solution 2:[2]

If you are looking for validating on semantic use of HTML elements, then you can do that here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Sean
Solution 2 MJK618