'Custom Image Sizing Mode for ImageButton in xamarin.forms


I am currently exploring android development on xamarin and therefor decided to develop a small game.

Within the game, I have an ImageButton to access some menus. For instance the level up screen. I made some low res image for the image button:

enter image description here


Now, if I use this in the image button, the image gets scaled up and therefore looks Blurry:
enter image description here

I guess, the reason being is bi-linear image sizing.

The proper implementation for my specific case would be sizing with nearest neighbor, as it preserves the low pixel look:

enter image description here


How would I go about changing this? I have found code for WPF winforms but realized that xamarin has different calls...

class ImageButtonWithHardEdgeExpansion : SomeControl
    public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs)
        paintEventArgs.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode;

For an intermediate workaround, I can use an external image resizer and store the image in high res... but that defies the purpose for me a little. so I am looking for a more long term solution.

Solution 1:[1]

You can use the padding to do this.

Before padding:

enter image description here

After padding:

enter image description here


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Solution 1 Ethan