'Cypress: How to scroll AG-Grid Table

I would like to scroll to a specific column in the AG-Grid table Ag-Grid table. The cypress command scrollTo() doesn't work for me for this kind of tables. Do you have a idea how i can solve this problem?

Thank you!

Solution 1:[1]

I have found a solution for my scroll problem. Now I use the AG-Grid API link.


Cypress.Commands.add('ensureColumnVisible', (component: string, colId: string): Cypress.Chainable<void> =>{
    return cy.getGridApi(component).then(api => {
        return cy.log(`Scrolling column: '${colId}' was successfully!`);

cy.ensureColumnVisible('nameOfgrid', 'colID');

Solution 2:[2]

did a work around for this by using keyboard command using .type


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 CypressDog
Solution 2 Christian Lojo