'Dependency injection from Quarkus (java)

Colleagues, hello! Is is possible to inject beans inside of class which is created via 'new' operator? For example:

public class TestClass implements Callback {
TestClassRepository repository;

//just only methods...

And 'TestClass' is created from another class:

Flyway.configure().collbacks(new TestClass()).load();

I have an issue with this,because 'repository.anyMethods()' inside of TestClass creates 'NullPointer' exception. 'TestClassRepository' is marked with the '@ApplicationScoped' and '@Startup' annotations.

Solution 1:[1]

public class TestConfig {

  public TestClass testClass() {
    return new TestClass();

another class annotated with the @ApplicationsScoped or @Singleton:

public void method(TestClass testClass) {
  // your code

If you create an object by yourself calling a constructor (new TestClass()) then quarkus doesn't manipulate that object, and doesn't inject a repository.

Solution 2:[2]

No you cannot inject beans inside a class that is instanciate with the new keyword. But you can still find a way around like so :

public class BeanFactory {

  TestClassRepository repository

  public TestClass createTestClass() {
    return new TestClass(this.repository);

You can find more details here : Quarkus Contexts and dependency Injection

Also you can define multiple beans for different profiles as mentionned few lines bellow Here

This means you can create a repository for your tests and one for prod or whatever is best for your case.

Also I do not think the annotation "@Startup" would add anything to your TestClassRepository bean.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 donquih0te
Solution 2 cigien