'Differentiate between required and optional flags in help message in Cobra

I have created a command as follows:

cmd := &cobra.Command{
    Use:       "get",
    Short:     "Gets information",
    Long:      heredoc.Doc("Long description"),
    Example:   heredoc.Doc("example"),
    ValidArgs: []string{"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"},
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
        return myCustomExecutionFunc()
    SilenceErrors: true,

cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(arg1, "arg1", "", "", "Arg1 definition")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(arg2, "arg2", "", "", "Arg2 definition")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(arg3, "arg3", "", "", "Arg3 definition")

Now when run the command with --help I get the help message as follows.

arg1  Arg1 definition
arg3  Arg3 definition
arg2  Arg2 definition

I want to group the flags as persistent (required) and non-persistent (not required) as follows

Required Flags:
arg1  Arg1 definition
arg2  Arg2 definition

Optional Flags:
arg3  Arg3 definition 

Or something like below

arg1  Required Arg1 definition
arg2  Required Arg2 definition
arg3  Optional Arg3definition

I know I can use the SetHelpTemplate() function and set my own string that will be shown when help is instantiated, I'm wondering if there is a native cobra library or pflag way to define different categories of flags.


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