'Discord bot adding reactions to a message discord.py (no custom emojis)

I've been trying to make a bot using discord.py add a reaction to a message using discord.py after reading this (which is not what I wanted because I am not using custom emojis) but it ends up giving this error:

discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: InvalidArgument: message argument must be a Message

I tried this code

async def emoji(ctx):
    msg = "working"
    await bot.say(msg)
    reactions = ['dart']
    for emoji in reactions: await bot.add_reaction(msg, emoji)

Any other related questions here on discord.py are just not helpful for this Any ideas on how to implement this

Solution 1:[1]

The error message is telling you what the error is: "message argument must be a Message"

In the line

await bot.add_reaction(msg, emoji)

msg is a string, not a Message object. You need to capture the message you send and then add the reactions to that message:

async def emoji(ctx):
    msg = await bot.say("working")
    reactions = ['dart']
    for emoji in reactions: 
        await bot.add_reaction(msg, emoji)

Note that in later versions of discord.py, add_reaction has changed from bot.add_reaction(msg, emoji) to await msg.add_reaction(emoji).

Solution 2:[2]

Adding on to this as I came across this question wondering how to add reactions in 2022, in case someone else runs into this.

The method displayed in the answer above containing:

async def emoji(ctx):
    msg = await bot.say("working")
    reactions = ['dart']
    for emoji in reactions: 
        await bot.add_reaction(msg, emoji)

This will no longer work and you will get an error like:

AttributeError: 'Bot' object has no attribute 'add_reaction'

Instead, you'll want to do something like:

async def example(ctx):
    msg = await ctx.send("Hello")
    reaction = '?'
    await msg.add_reaction(reaction)

For multiple reactions, I've also found that you need to do them separately:

async def example(ctx):
    msg = await ctx.send("Hello")
    reaction1 = '?'
    reaction1 = '?'
    await msg.add_reaction(reaction1)
    await msg.add_reaction(reaction2)

And, for anyone wondering about custom emojis: (retrieve the emoji ID by typing \ then clicking the emoji, or you can go to save the file of the custom emoji and copy the default value it gives you.)

async def example(ctx):
    msg = await ctx.send("Hello")
    reaction1 = "<:yes:965728109200552036>"
    reaction1 = "<:no:965728137122050068>"
    await msg.add_reaction(reaction1)
    await msg.add_reaction(reaction2)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 TheKingElessar
Solution 2 clxrity