'Executing Same Jenkins job by picking fail_skip xml once first execution is over

I am from QA automation and pretty new to jenkins, below is my case

Process: I have a jenkins job which picks up a file criticalsuite.xml (testng) and triggers the execution. once the job completes, it generates a file name fail_skip xml in the same workspace.

Question: How do I configure a job to pick up this fail_skip.xml and trigger the execution automatically once the main job completes execution.

CUrrently, we are manually triggering the same job by pasting the fail_skip xml. I basically want to get rid of this maual intervention

Solution 1:[1]

If you used Jenkins pipeline, It would be easy to do it in a different stage. In my below declarative Jenkinsfile example, the stage-01 create a file and stage-02 parse it and read it.

pipeline {
    agent any;
    stages {
        stage('01') {
            steps {
                writeFile file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/details.yml", text: """
                    name: Scott
                        houseNumber: x01
                        city: XX
                        country: Space
        stage('02') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def yamlContent = readYaml file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/details.yml"
                    println yamlContent.address.country

you can even extend this scenario with post-build stage. meaning after the job run depends on SUCCESS or FAILURE you can decide what to do. Please take a look at this jenkins documentation for more details. something like this:

pipeline {
   agent any;
   stages {
   post {
        success {
            script {
                def yamlContent = readYaml file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/details.yml"
                println yamlContent.address.city
        failure {
            echo "IT'S FAIL"


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Samit Kumar Patel