'Extracting month,day and year in react with date.toLocaleString not working

I am building a react app and i am trying to extract the month,day and year in react with date.toLocaleString and my website is crashing,showing a blank page, and it isn t showing my components.This should output the month(e.g august), the year (e.g 1967) and the day (e.g 15)enter image description here

function ExpenseDate(props) {
const month = props.date.toLocaleString("en-US", { month: "long" });
const day = props.date.toLocaleString("en-US", { day: "2-digit" });
const year = props.date.getFullYear();
  return (

Solution 1:[1]

did you call props in ExpenseItem(i suppose)? try doing this between div's .

<ExpenseDate date={props.date} />


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Mihajlo Markovic