'First API with WSO2 APIM 4.0.0, creation seem fine but HTTP 404 when trying to call API

I newly installed an instance of WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0 using the Simple Node configuration https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/install-and-setup/setup/single-node/configuring-a-single-node/ on a virtual machine.

I can create my APIs (with internal existing API, or pizzashack sample) in the WSO2 publisher. But when I try to call the API, using the try out menu, I have a simple 'TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.'

In the firefox browser console I have a 'CORS Missing Allow Origin' error on an OPTIONS call to the API manager. For this issue I've applied https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/design/advanced-topics/enabling-cors-for-apis/ but with no success.

Here's my deployment.toml file with the customization I made.

hostname = "apim-p.<redacted dns>.com"
base_path = "${carbon.protocol}://${carbon.host}:${carbon.management.port}"
#discard_empty_caches = false
server_role = "default"

username = "<redacted username>"
password = "<redacted password>"
create_admin_account = true

type = "database_unique_id"

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://<redacted IP>:5432/wso2_apim"
username = "wso2"
password = "<redacted password>"
pool_options.maxActive = 10

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://<redacted IP>:5432/wso2_shared"
username = "wso2"
password = "<redacted password>"
pool_options.maxActive = 50

file_name =  "apim.<redacted dns>.com.jks"
type =  "JKS"
password =  "<redacted password>"
alias =  "apim-p.<redacted dns>"
key_password =  "<redacted password>"

#file_name =  "wso2carbon.jks"
#type =  "JKS"
#password =  "wso2carbon"
#alias =  "wso2carbon"
#key_password =  "wso2carbon"

#file_name =  "wso2carbon.jks"
#type =  "JKS"
#password =  "wso2carbon"
#alias =  "wso2carbon"
#key_password =  "wso2carbon"

name = "Production"
type = "production"
display_in_api_console = true
description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
show_as_token_endpoint_url = true
service_url = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:${mgt.transport.https.port}/services/"
username= "${admin.username}"
password= "${admin.password}"
ws_endpoint = "ws://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:9099"
wss_endpoint = "wss://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:8099"
http_endpoint = "http://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:${http.nio.port}"
https_endpoint = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:${https.nio.port}"
websub_event_receiver_http_endpoint = "http://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:9021"
websub_event_receiver_https_endpoint = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:8021"

gateway_labels =["Default"]

#enable = true
#expiry_time = "900s"

#enable = true
#expiry_time = "900s"

#enable = false
#expiry_time = "15m"

#enable = false

#enable = true

#enable = true

#enable = true
#expiry_time = "15m"

#expiry_time = "2m"

enable = false
config_endpoint = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:8080/auth/v1"
auth_token = ""

#service_url = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/services/"
#username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
#password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"
#pool.init_idle_capacity = 50
#pool.max_idle = 100
#key_validation_handler_type = "default"
#key_validation_handler_type = "custom"
#key_validation_handler_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.handlers.DefaultKeyValidationHandler"

#server_url = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}"
#authorize_endpoint = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/oauth2/authorize"
#oidc_logout_endpoint = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/oidc/logout"
#oidc_check_session_endpoint = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/oidc/checksession"

#enable = true
#encoding = "base64" # base64,base64url
#generator_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGenerator"
#claim_dialect = "http://wso2.org/claims"
#convert_dialect = false
#header = "X-JWT-Assertion"
#signing_algorithm = "SHA256withRSA"
#enable_user_claims = true
#claims_extractor_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.ExtendedDefaultClaimsRetriever"

#enable_outbound_auth_header = false
#auth_header = "Authorization"
#revoke_endpoint = "https://localhost:${https.nio.port}/revoke"
#enable_token_encryption = false
#enable_token_hashing = false

url = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:${mgt.transport.https.port}/devportal"
#enable_application_sharing = false
#if application_sharing_type, application_sharing_impl both defined priority goes to application_sharing_impl
#application_sharing_type = "default" #changed type, saml, default #todo: check the new config for rest api
#application_sharing_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.SAMLGroupIDExtractorImpl"
#display_multiple_versions = false
#display_deprecated_apis = false
enable_comments = false
enable_ratings = false
enable_forum = false
enable_cross_tenant_subscriptions = false
#default_reserved_username = "apim_reserved_user"

allow_origins = "*"
allow_methods = ["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS"]
allow_headers = ["authorization","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Content-Type","SOAPAction","apikey","Internal-Key"]
allow_credentials = false

#enable_data_publishing = true
#enable_policy_deploy = true
#enable_blacklist_condition = true
#enable_persistence = true
#throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://localhost:5672","tcp://localhost:5672"]

#start_delay = "5m"
#period = "1h"

#start_delay = "5m"

#hostName = ""
#port = 11224

#hostName = ""
#port = 10005

#traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://localhost:9611","tcp://localhost:9611"]
#traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://localhost:9711","ssl://localhost:9711"]
#type = "loadbalance"

#traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://localhost:9611","tcp://localhost:9611"]
#traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://localhost:9711","ssl://localhost:9711"]
#type = "failover"

#enable = false
#service_url = "https://localhost:9445/bpmn"
#username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
#password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"
#callback_endpoint = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/api/am/admin/v0.17/workflows/update-workflow-status"
#token_endpoint = "https://localhost:${https.nio.port}/token"
#client_registration_endpoint = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/client-registration/v0.17/register"
#client_registration_username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
#client_registration_password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"

#data bridge config
#type = "binary"
#worker_threads = 10
#session_timeout = "30m"
#keystore.file_name = "$ref{keystore.tls.file_name}"
#keystore.password = "$ref{keystore.tls.password}"
#tcp_port = 9611
#ssl_port = 9711
#ssl_receiver_thread_pool_size = 100
#tcp_receiver_thread_pool_size = 100
#ssl_enabled_protocols = ["TLSv1","TLSv1.1","TLSv1.2"]
#ciphers = ["SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5","SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"]

from_address = "apim-p@<redacted dns>.com"
#username = "APIM"
#password = "APIM+123"
hostname = "smtp.<redacted dns>.com"
port = 25
#enable_start_tls = false
enable_authentication = false
signature = "API Manager PROD"

from_address = "apim-p@<redacted dns>.com"
hostname = "smtp.<redacted dns>.com"
port = 25
signature = "API Manager PROD"
enable_authentication = false

#notifier_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.events.TokenRevocationNotifierImpl"
#enable_realtime_notifier = true
#realtime_notifier.ttl = 5000
#enable_persistent_notifier = true
#persistent_notifier.hostname = "https://localhost:2379/v2/keys/jti/"
#persistent_notifier.ttl = 5000
#persistent_notifier.username = "root"
#persistent_notifier.password = "root"


sp_name_regex = "^[\\sa-zA-Z0-9._-]*$"

url = "jdbc:h2:./repository/database/WSO2CARBON_DB;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"

id = "token_revocation"
type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler"
name = "org.wso2.is.notification.ApimOauthEventInterceptor"
order = 1
notification_endpoint = "https://apim-p.<redacted dns>.com:${mgt.transport.https.port}/internal/data/v1/notify"
username = "${admin.username}"
password = "${admin.password}"
'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"


I already spent several days looking for answers within stackoverflow, WSO2 official documentations and WSO2 github, but with no success.

Did I missed something somewhere ?

Solution 1:[1]

I was facing the same issue until this morning. https://github.com/wso2/api-manager/issues/68

My context is a little bit different, i use a Docker active-active distributed deployment.

I think I played too much with the deployment.toml, because a remove and recreate container fix the problem.

I don't know if it can help but i added that :

enable = true
gateway_labels =["Default"]

artifact_saver = "DBSaver"
publish_directly_to_gateway = true


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 David Mouton