'Flutter Mapbox clickable cluster annotations

I am trying to use Flutter mapbox_gl package to display clustered data, support for this functionnality has been added recently as showed in this example.

When the user zooms in, I would like to make symbols clickable, I have followed this example of clickable annotations but it seems not working, basically what I did is exactly combining the two examples: adding cluster layers (symbols and circles) using the map controller through onStyleLoadedCallback property, then adding on-click callbacks in my onMapCreated property (using onSymbolTapped & onCircleTapped methods). Am I doing something wrong?

Solution 1:[1]

For the clickable annotations from a source, as they come from a GeojsonSource, you must use onFeatureTapped. This will give you 3 data : the id (defined in the source), the point (coordinate on the screen) and the latlng (position on the map).

This allows you to set a generic callback for both the features in the source and the clusters made with it.

The package currently does not support having more data returned in the callbacks.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Gautier Vuillaume