Category "maps"

Placement of drawn map on Google Maps

On i have placed a drawn map of a city. The only way i can place it is by guessing the imagebounds which isn't very exact. Im initializ

TomTom Map api black dots on the map

I am using the TomTom map API. But when I'm using the map there are so many black dots and boxes(as seen on the image below). When I zoom in the dots and boxes

How do apps like Mapbox, AllTrails and use and display ALL of OSM data? When all the resources say that's a huge amount of data

I started exploring Overpass Turbo and Mapbox with hopes of building my travel app. I can query some data in OT and get towns or islands, no problem, I understa

What is ArcGIS Layer basically?

Hi I am recently trying to build ArcGIS applications, when i tried one i came across creating a layer online and importing onto our current map, the thing is, i

Style neighboring countries Google maps

Does anyone know if it is possible with the styling wizard to give neigh-boring countries a different color. I want to highlight a certain country. We use the G

Highcharts bubble map does not always render properly

I have created a shiny app, which displays a highchart Map. With a select input, one can choose specific countries that one wants to be displayed. Most of the t

Can I get place details against a coordinate for free?? Geocoding/Reverse Geocoding Api is not free?

I get my current pos=sition from Geolocation.getcurrentposition, i have my coordinates now, can i get details against this coordinates without any payment

How can I convert Google Maps plus codes to Lng & Lat coordinates

I'm working on a project and I'm using some old google maps stuff. It requires longitude and latitude gps coordinates to get the location of a hospital for exam

Flutter Mapbox clickable cluster annotations

I am trying to use Flutter mapbox_gl package to display clustered data, support for this functionnality has been added recently as showed in this example. When

How to display 2 values on leaflet control search result(tooltip)

i'm using leaflet-control-search to search for markers. markers are stored in json like this [

Indoor floor maps in react native

I want in implement floor map navigation in my application. Please , suggest any available Library or ways to implement it. Tried following, but does not allo

Android Studio Error when Creating a Project with a Google Maps Activity

When I create a new project in Android Studio with a Google Maps Activity I get the following error when I do the initial build of the project: Manifest mer

Embedding the new google map in your website

I just found out that the new google map doesn't have a link button that used to let people get the embed code which they can embed in their websites. LINK-1

Node js google-maps-services-js set bounds when geocode

I want to use in node js google-maps-services-js to geocode an address. But i want to set bounds to filter results like documentation said. https://googlemaps.g