'Game works fine in editor, not in build

I am working on a game and i have a script to save the stats for characters. The same script is used for hero and for the enemies.

There are actually 2 scripts. 1st script is for game settings which makes sure that which player is to be set visible and which enemy to set visible. That script has variables like

    public GameObject LocalPlayer;
    public GameObject Enemy;

Now in my 2nd script with name User_stats, i want to put target for hero = enemy and vice versa. What i am doing in my 2nd script is that i calling my 1st script (FKManage) in it by doing following code

private FKManage FKManage; Then in my void start, I am using a method named SetTarget(); which is defining these two arrays and telling them that the objects with tag player need to have Target = Enemy from the FKManage script and vice versa

GameObject[] protagonistOpponent = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
        foreach (GameObject obst in protagonistOpponent)
            obst.GetComponent<User_Stats>().Target = FKManage.Enemy.transform;

        GameObject[] AntagonistOpponent = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
        foreach (GameObject obst in AntagonistOpponent)
            obst.GetComponent<User_Stats>().Target = FKManage.LocalPlayer.transform;

And it works fine but only in Unity editor. As soon as i build the game for Android and run it under Android, my characters don't do anything (because target is not set).

I want to know why my build is not working right as it is working in editor? Where am i making the mistake? On building the game, this is the error i get in my android logcat.

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

So i have fixed the issue.

What i have done is i have changed the script execution order, a really simple fix and works like a charm. Read about how to change script execution here

Thank you everyone for helping me out especially @BugFinder and @AykutKaraca

Solution 2:[2]

For any one who still doesn't solved the problem, check if you have code like Debug.Assert(). Such debug code (methods like print() excluded) will be deleted in the build version.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Rameez Safdar
Solution 2 Gytobp