'Generating Class in c# that inherits a generic class which uses type parameter using Telosys code generation tool

I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK (@id) is of type Guid that is Id property on the base class having implictly type Guid. So I have 2 problems:

  1. There is no Guid type in telosys.

  2. How to define PK using Generic base class typed argument?

    public class Country : Entity<Guid>


    public abstract class Entity<TKey> : Entity, IEntity<TKey>
        public virtual TKey Id { get; protected set; }
        protected Entity(TKey id)
            Id = id;


  . binary
  . boolean
  . byte
  . date
  . decimal
  . double
  . float
  . int
  . long
  . short
  . string
  . time
  . timestamp


For example a special property name: metaproperty I can parse to get $entity inheritance typed argument. I need other metadata. Entity class as Id property.It can be string, int, long etc

User {
  metaproperty: string {#base       
  @Label("typed_param:Guid;name:Id;form_sections:Info section~1|Contact sec~2;display_layout:rows(n)_cols(12)")}
  FirstName : string {@Label("form_section:~1;display_layout:row(1)col(1)colspan(3)")};
  LastName: string {@Label("form_section:~1;display_layout:row(1)col(2)colspan(9)")};
  Phone: string {@Label("form_section:~2;display_layout:row(1)col(1)colspan(12)")};

I need some mechanizam to display the layout of fields in the form for each property I want in view/edit screens
I can certaily generate some .json structure and add metadata there as well. Even have a GUI with drag and drop feature to define rows, cols and row or col spans.

Solution 1:[1]

Regarding the class, for the moment there are no annotations (or tags) at the entity level (it will happen soon). But you can use a file to define the entities which should extend another class.

Step 1 - in your model folder define a list of entities in a file "variables.txt"

Example for entities "Foo", "Bar" and "Country"

#set ( $guidEntities = ["Foo", "Bar", "Country" ] )

Step 2 - in your template evaluate the content of this file in order to define a variable for the list and use it to check if the current entity must extend Entity


## Load content from file "variables.txt" located in current model folder
#set( $file = $fn.fileFromModel("variables.txt") )
#set( $fileContent = $file.loadContent() ) 

## Use 'evaluate(statement)' to convert the file content in list variable
#evaluate( $fileContent )

## Now the list $guidEntities is defined and we can use it
## to check if it contains the current entity name
#if ( $guidEntities.contains($entity.name) ) 
public class $entity.name : Entity<Guid>  
public class $entity.name

Note: The list is defined in a separate file, located in the model folder as it can be seen as part of the model definition (and it can be used in multiple templates)

Solution 2:[2]

Regarding the attribute type, as you mentioned in your comment, the easiest way is to manage it with a tag.

In the model set a "guid" tag for the attribute having the GUID :

MyEntity {
 myattribute : string { #Guid } ;

In the template you can use this way:

#if ( $attrib.hasTag("Guid ") )  
 do something

Solution 3:[3]

Since Telosys v 4.0.0 you can use the annotation @Extends(SuperClass)

see https://doc.telosys.org/dsl-model/annotations#extends-string

You can also use a "tag" at entity level, eg : #EntityWithGuid or #Entity(Guid)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 lgu
Solution 3 lgu