'Getting error while running the aggregate method of MognoDB

I am getting the following error while joining two collection and project the fields using MognoDB.


Error: command failed: {
    "ok" : 0,
    "errmsg" : "'pipeline' option must be specified as an array",
    "code" : 14,
    "codeName" : "TypeMismatch"
} : aggregate failed 

I am explaining my query below.

          $match: {
               OrderStatus: 'Created',
              'Customer.Children.StudentGrade': 'Grade 1',
               OrderType: 'Online',
            from: "orders",
            as: "PaymentInfo",
            let: { OrderNumber: '$OrderNumber' },
            pipeline: {
                $match: {
                    $expr: {
                        $and: [
                            { $eq: ['$OrderNumber', '$$OrderNumber'] },
                            { $eq: ['$PaymentStatus', 'Payment Received'] },
            "OrderCreatedAt": { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: "$OrderCreatedAt" } },


Here I need to join two collection i.e-orderproductsreport and orders and the common filed for both collection is OrderNumber. I have to also match order collection PaymentInfo.PaymentDetails.PaymentStatus value with user input value along with rest match conditions. But As per my query its throwing error. I need to resolve this error and fetch the required record.

Solution 1:[1]

Use the aggregate method, not find.

Solution 2:[2]

Change the pipeline arg from an object to an array:

pipeline: { // No
                $match: {


pipeline: [   // YES
                {$match: {


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 D. SM
Solution 2 Buzz Moschetti