'Getting text from angular input elements in Protractor

The angular Input controls doesn't let me get values directly by using getText() in protractor.

<input ng-switch-when="TextBox" ng-if="::!field.uiControlInfo.multiLine" ng-model="field.input[0].value" ng-focus="onFieldFocus(field, 0, $event)" ng-blur="onFieldBlur(field, true, $event)" ng-readonly="field.isReadOnly || state.wait" ng-change="onFieldChange(field, false)" cp-form-view-formatter="field" placeholder="" id="InvoiceNumber" class="cp-flex-fill cp-formview-field-input ng-pristine ng-valid ng-scope ng-touched" ng-style="{ 'text-align': field.uiControlInfo.fieldAlignment.toLowerCase() }" ng-keydown="fieldKeyDown($event, field, 0)" autocomplete="off" style="text-align: left;">

var element=element(By.id());
element.getText().then(function (text) {

This is the ideal way of getting input value from the input elements. But this doesn't work for angular elements.


This gives the value out of the angular elements in browser console.

Can somebody help me with how can i write the same in Protractor??

Solution 1:[1]

Try this


Solution 2:[2]

element.getAttribute('value') //for input field

See docs Protractor getAttribute


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Ininiv
Solution 2