'git commit --amend --no-edit

I had already pushed some changes to a remote. Now I need to push some other changes related to the commit that I already pushed, which should be in that commit but somehow are not. I can do this simply by pushing the changes with a new commit but suddenly I found --no-edit flag with --amend

I need to push the new changes but I need a single commit having the old and new changes.

Is git commit --amend --no-edit is something which I need?

Solution 1:[1]

Generally, it's best to avoid rewriting the history, and just add a new commit as hyde suggested.

If you really need to overwrite the history, make sure to use --force-with-lease when you push.

Solution 2:[2]

Yes, the git commit --amend --no-edit is the thing that I am looking for.

  1. git add . (Add the added and modified files)
  2. git commit --amend --no-edit
  3. git push --force-with-lease <remote> <branch>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Anders Lundbäck
Solution 2 Piyush Chaudhary