'Handling 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error with try/catch

I am trying to figure out how to handle 413 error when uploading files, to show the user that the file they are trying to upload is too large. I am uploading the files from a component in React using React-dropzone, then pass it to sagas, then a function in sagas will loop through the file and send each files to Rails - upload the files using Carrierwave then rails will send back some data if the upload success.


this.state = {
    files: [{file1}, {file2}, {file3}]

uploadFiles = () => {


function* saveFiles(action){
    let err = false  
    let completed;

    const results = yield Promise.all(action.files.map(function(file){

        return saveFile(file)

    })).then(data => {

        completed = data


    yield put({
        type: actionTypes.FILE_UPLOADED,
        index: completed


function saveFile(file, cid, index){
        let formData = new FormData()
        formData.append("file", file)

        let result = fetch(URL,
            method: "POST",
            credentials: "same-origin",
            body: formData
        }).then(response => response.json()).then(function(data){
            return data

        return result
    } catch(ex) { console.log(ex) }


When I am having 413 error, I also receive this additional message

error 413 File too large

Solution 1:[1]

I think you can just check reponse.status for deciding how to handle the response:



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Solution Source
Solution 1 RobertG